How to Relax After a Busy Day of “Colleging”

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Hey girl.

How is it going? I hope all is well and that you’re out here killing it. This short February is passing by so, so fast.

As you know, Valentine’s day just passed. (sidenote: Let me know what you did in the comment box below.)

For my Valentine\'s day, I began working on an internship application that I have been procrastinating to complete. I missed out on this same opportunity last year because I did not dedicate my energy to completing it but this time I am going to sit down and make sure that I submit it.  I hope that I get it because it\'s paid. fingerscrossed

However, now that Valentine\'s is over I wanted to remind you that you don\'t have to wait for a special holiday to relax and show yourself some extra love. Whenever you feel down, in need of an extra boost, or just want to have a good time make sure to set some time aside to celebrate yourself. You don\'t need your wallet or even need to leave the house. And I promise not to  bore you but instead give you some ideas on how to relax and provide yourself with the love you deserve on any day of the year. Now, let\'s get to it:


Phase 1: Put your money away

Do yourself a favor and leave your money stacked up. Leave your money alone. I am pretty sure you have some pretty cool things at home that you can use for an enjoyable night in instead of going out to buy something new.  Not spending your money, gives you the opportunity to redirect your funds to something that you have actually been saving up for or want. 

Phase 2: Cook yourself a delicious meal 

Cook a delicious, yummy, scrumptious \"I can\'t believe I made this\" meal.  Go all out. Cook Shrimp Alfredo with some garlic bread and broccoli on the side.

Not only will you have a good dinner but lunch for the next day too.

Also, you can substitute the alfredo for your favorite meal.  I just threw the shrimp alfredo in there because that is what I am craving at this exact moment and its so quick to make.

Phase 3: Put on your prettiest pajamas

Put on  pajamas and I mean the nicest ones you got in your drawer. This is the night where you need to feel poppin’ and like no one can tell you anything. Most times we are too busy to put on our pajamas but take the extra time to put yourself together. Put on pajamas that make you feel like you’re that chick.  There are some cool ones I want to buy from Pretty Little Thing and Forever 21 because unfortunately, I don’t own any.

I don\'t know how I am 21 years old without at least one pair of cute pjs?crying emoji

If you have a pair of new pjs you can spare that would help me out tremendously.

Phase 4: Light a candle

Set the ambiance. Close your room door, turn off the lights,  light your candle and relax. Inhale all the good vibes and exhale all the bs from this week. Find your peace and do whatever you want. No distractions. Just you and yourself.

Phase 5: Do an at-home mani and pedi

We are getting fancy now. You know you need to do your nails. Tonight is the night that you prioritize yourself and make sure that your nails are at least shaped and cleaned. I typically don’t polish my nails but I have realized it really helps to make a look come together. Its such a small task that seems insignificant but girl let me tell you. When I polished my nails this past week, I felt polished, cool, and collected. There was no shame in my game if someone was to see my nails. I on was on fleek. Ya heard me?

Savings tip: Use nail color that you already have at home. I am pretty you can make what you have at home work. Luckily, I have some colors that I really love from the OPI brand. They are my favorite because I am not a pro at polishing my nails the applicator they have makes it easy to apply.  

Phase 6: Spend some extra time doing something you enjoy

Use this evening as an excuse to indulge yourself more than you typically do. Open a book or turn on Youtube and watch a couple of your favorite videos while eating your delicious food  Spend as much time as you want doing what you enjoy. Don’t feel guilty either this will be a good refresher to keep you motivated to go.

These are some of the things that I do after a long day at work or studying. Having this break to myself really gives me an energy boost for the next day. 

What do you do for your alone time? Let me know, if you plan to use some of my tips and tricks.