Important Tips When Planning a Trip With Your Friends

I am currently planning a trip with my friend to go to Austin in March 2021. This got me thinking about things that you need to be aware of when you are planning a trip with other people. I have traveled a few times with my friends and every trip is so different. However, there are some basic things that you want to keep in mind when traveling with your friends. This will help to ensure that everyone has a good time and has no worries.

The first thing that you want to do is

Determine a budget

When you and your friends decide that you all want to take a trip together you need to discuss your budget. You want to make sure that you all are on the same track. This helps to avoid any confusion and sets realistic expectations in regards to what you all are able to do. Be honest and share the actual amounts that you are willing to pay.

You have to make sure that you establish a budget that works for everyone or your plans could fall through.

By starting with a budget, it can also help you all to determine what destinations you will be able to go to for that price point. Some destinations are inherently more expensive than others so that can help you to narrow down your destination choice based on what you all are able to do.

Set up a budget plan

You know how as you get closer to the trip date your friends end up bailing at the last minute because they don’t have the money. To counteract this, especially if it is a trip that costs a lot of money, set deadlines in regards to what needs to be saved by a certain time. This helps to ensure that each party is on the same track.

If for instance, a problem arises that prevents a party from producing the funds you will know in advance if you all need to postpone the trip. This helps to prevent anyone from feeling slighted because a person waited until the last minute to disclose they do not have the money.

This can be the worst feeling if the other parties involved had gotten really excited about the trip but then they find out that it is not happening.


This is super important. Every party that is participating in the trip needs to communicate what they expect from the trip. What they are okay with doing and what they are not comfortable with. This makes the trip more enjoyable because it reduces passive-aggressiveness because everyone is advocating for themselves or stating their opinion.

When working alongside your friends to plan a trip you all have to make sure that you all are on the same page at all times. That will help to make this a fun process. I like to think of this process as a group project when everyone participates to get the project done it moves a lot smoother especially when everyone plays their role. However, if there is someone who is slacking, it can become a very frustrating process really quickly.

Identify Your Travel Language

This is a play-off of love languages. I remember seeing this on Instagram there are different types of travelers. It might be best that you and your friend have a discussion about how you all like to travel. If this is your first time traveling with this friend, you want to do your best to diminish any possible tension that can arise because everyone likes to travel differently.

Type of travelers

The adventurous friend: The friend that wants to participate in all the excursions from scuba diving to zip-lining. They want to do all the things and get out of the hotel to take in all that is available.

The “I need to plan everything friend”: This is your type “A” friend who likes to create an itinerary to outline the plan for the entire trip. They really like to stay on top of things and don’t really like to divert from the plan. It makes them feel in control in a new environment and makes sure they cross off everything on their bucket list.

The bougie friend: This is the friend that likes to take all the amazing photos and go to brunch every morning. They lean more to luxury trips and the finer things.

The go with the flow friend: This is the friend that is down for anything. They are okay with vibing and getting up and go. They really can adapt to any situation.

From my personal experience, these are some things I have learned through traveling with different friends. As long as you all keep good communication, you will have an amazing vacation.